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Galerie à l'Ecu de France - UN CADAVRE EXQUIS ! Exposition des élèves des ateliers d’art


Discover a playful and surreal exhibition created by students from the municipal art workshops.

In 1925, the Surrealist writers created the literary game of cadavre exquis, in which everyone contributes to the creation of a sentence or drawing without knowing the previous part. The game's first famous phrase was: ‘The exquisite corpse has drunk the new wine’.

Since then, the exquisite corpse has become a collective artistic practice used in many fields. This year, students from Viroflay's municipal art studios have lent themselves to the game, giving free rein to their imagination to create surprising and surreal works that reflect the spirit of the exquisite corpse.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

General information

Opening: Thursday 5 June 2025 at 7pm


From 05/06 to 06/07/2025
Opening hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 2 pm and 7 pm.


Free entry.

Contact details

Galerie à l'Ecu de France - UN CADAVRE EXQUIS ! Exposition des élèves des ateliers d’art
Galerie À l'Écu de France
1, rue Robert Cahen 78220 Viroflay
78220 Viroflay