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Théâtre Montansier - Pauvre Bitos - Le diner de têtes


Pauvre Bitos Le Diner de têtes - Theater

In the 1950s, Maxime de Jaucourt organised a dinner of heads on the theme of the French Revolution. He donned the head of Saint-Just, while his guests adopted those of Danton, Marie-Antoinette, Camille and Lucie Desmoulins. Bitos dresses up as Robespierre. Maxime is determined to make him admit that he is not as honest as he claims.

‘What a merry game of massacre this Pauvre Bitos is! This play, which has not been performed since 1967, is incredibly modern and, as always with Anouilh, theatrical. It's a gritty play, combining a frantic pace with humour and a rare sense of thriller. Anouilh likes to play with the play of mirrors that theatre allows, and here this dinner party goes off the rails, denouncing the tyranny of self-righteousness by attacking liberation and its excesses. An infinite mirror that brings us face to face with ourselves. Strong theatre that provokes and entertains. Thierry Harcourt

General information



From Wednesday 19 to Saturday 22 March 2025
Opening hours on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 8.30 pm and 10 pm.

Sunday 23 March 2025
Opening hours on Sunday between 3 pm and 4.30 pm.


Full price: from 39 € (Category A :
Series 1: €39
Series 2: €34), Reduced price: 15 € (Reduced fare for people under 26 years old), Associate member: from 32 € (Category A :
Series 1: €32
Series 2: €26).

Book now

Contact details

Théâtre Montansier - Pauvre Bitos - Le diner de têtes
Théâtre Montansier
13 Rue des Réservoirs
78000 Versailles