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Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles

The Centre de Musique Baroque of Versailles was created in 1987. It combines different professions and promotes the discovery of the french musical heritage of the XVIIth and the XVIIth centuaries. The CMBV wants to explore and spotlights this forgotten heritage.

The french music spread out during the XVIIth and the XVIIIth centuries in Europe. This music was at the origin of several bold music styles which increased the value of this heritage. Lully, Rameau, Campra, Charpentier and many other composers are representative of the extraordinary artistic abundance of this time. This rich musical heritage got lost during the French Revolution. It took till the end of the XXth century to develop the musical movement “Renouveau Baroque”.

Forerunner of this approach, The Centre de Musique Baroque of Versailles was created in 1987 by Vincent Berthier de Lioncourt and Philippe Beaussant. At the Hôtel des Menus Plaisirs, they combined different professions and promoted the rediscovery of the french musical heritage from the XVIIth and XVIIIth century. Through its activities of edition, trainings and production of concerts and shows, its educational, artistic and cultural actions and the provision of its resources ; the CMBV tries to explore more than ever a forgotten heritage and to spread it out in France and all over the world.

The Muscial Thursdays in the Royal Chapel.

Organized from November until June by the CMBV, the Palace of Versailles and the CNSMD of Paris, the Musical Thursdays are weekly auditions of the “des Pages et des Chantres” choirs in the Royal Chapel of the Palace of Versailles. Every week, it offers the possibility to the attendance to listen, with free access, the work of the “des Pages et des Chantres” choirs and of the organist students from the CNS¬MD de Paris (professors: Michel Bouvard et Olivier Latry). The students of partner academies of the École maîtrisienne (Pôle Supérieur de Paris – Boulogne-Billancourt, the CRR of Versailles, the CRD of Paris-Saclay, and many guests from other academies) are able to join them.

The musical Thursdays take place every Thursdays, from November until June, except during holidays and bank holidays, at 5:30 pm in the Royal Chapel of Palace of Versailles.

Duration: approximately 1h00. Free entrance in the limit of the number of places available. For groups, reservation is mandatory. Premium seating for the members of the “Cercle Rameau du CMBV”.

The CMBV is supported by the Ministère de la Culture (General direction of artistic creation), the Palace of Versailles, The regional council d’Île de France, the City of Versailles and the Cercle Rameau (circle of individual benefactors and companies of the CMBV)


General information

Accessible for wheelchairs with assistancePossibility of drop-off in front of the siteReception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities
Home school groups


Open every day between 9.30 am and 6.30 pm.
Except weekends.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st, Easter Monday, Feast of the Ascension, Whit Monday, May 1st, May 8th, July 14th, August 15th, November 1st, November 11th and December 25th.
Closed to the public

Summer closure from 1 to 15 August.



  • Concert

Contact details

Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles
Hôtel des Menus-Plaisirs
22 avenue de Paris
78000 Versailles