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Salon d'Hercule - Francesca Caccini : Alcina


The first opera composed by a woman! La Liberazione di Ruggiero dall'isola d'Alcina is also the first to evoke the character of the poisonous Alcina and her spells.

On an enchanted island, the knight Ruggiero finds himself torn between two powerful women, both magicians. The beautiful and dangerous Alcina seduces him, then the good fairy Melissa reminds him of his duties. Melissa is in fact the wise Maria Magdalena of Austria, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, who commissioned the opera in 1625 on the occasion of the visit of the Crown Prince of Poland, to whom she wished to marry her daughter.

The composer, Francesca Caccini, was an exemplary figure in the musical flowering of the first half of the Italian 17th century. Her graceful art flourished at the Medici court in Florence, where she delighted her contemporaries and was admired for her many musical talents, particularly her singing concerts where she accompanied herself on the lute. Her refined writing enlivens this story of supernatural tone, with melodious arias, character-revealing recitatives and choruses of monsters and enchanted plants.

At the helm of their ensemble I Gemelli, Emiliano Gonzalez Toro and Mathilde Étienne lead a cast and musicians well-versed in this repertoire, paying tribute to the beauty of this flourishing music.

General information



Monday 3 March 2025
Opening hours on Monday between 8 pm and 9.45 pm.


Full price: from 22 € (Category 1
54€ à 65€

Category 2
41€ à 49€

Category 3
22€ à 27€

92€ à 106€

Prestige VIP

Book now

Contact details

Salon d'Hercule - Francesca Caccini : Alcina
Opéra Royal
Place d'Armes
78000 Versailles