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Queen's hamlet

Historic site and monument

A bucolic landscaping of the Trianon gardens, the Hameau de la Reine is an integral part of the Domaine de Marie-Antoinette. Timeless, far from the tumult of the Palace, this place exalts the imagination.

In 1783, Marie-Antoinette ordered her architect Richard Mique, the construction of this magnificent set of factories. It was completed in 1786 along an artificial pond. Despite the fact that rural architecture is borrowed from various streams, this place gives the impression of a great unity.

It was for Queen Marie Antoinette a place of receptions and walk. This small rural village consisted of pleasure buildings: the mill which was only a decoration, the boudoir, the house of the Queen ... but also houses for the farm which was also to play a teaching role.

The weather-damaged farmhouse was restored in 2006 and is now occupied by the Animal Assistance Foundation.

Access to the Queen's Hamlet is via the entrance to one of the two Trianons.

General information

Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Special rate for jobseekersSpecial rate for large familiesSpecial rate for disabled peopleStudents


Every day throughout the year.
Closed on Monday.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.
During high season: Marie-Antoinette's Estate is open from 10:00a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (no admission after 6:00 p.m.) from Tuesday to Sunday except for certain holidays or official ceremonies.

During low season: Marie-Antoinette's Estate is open from 12:00 noon to 5:30 p.m. (no admission after 5:00 p.m.) from Tuesday to Sunday except for certain holidays or official ceremonies.


Reduced price: 8 €
Adult: 12 €.

Free entry for children < 26 years, children accompanied by an adult, teachers, people with reduced mobility, disabled people, disabled people and accompanying persons.
Group rate available for > 30 people.

Free for people under 26 years old from European Union
Free for people under 18 years outide of the European Union
Free for disabled person and an accompanying person

More ticket options available :
- The 1 day pass includes the entire estate (Gardens + Trianons)
- The 2 days pass includes the entire estate (Gardens + Trianons) for two consecutive days.

Free the first Sundays of each months from November to March).


Think of the Audiopen for a guided tour!
Unguided individual tours available permanently Guided individual tours on request
Unguided group tours available permanently Guided group tours on request


  • Parking nearby
  • Toilets
  • Coach access
  • Tourist brochures
  • Tourist information
  • Guided tours
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Contact details

Queen's hamlet
Château de Versailles
78000 Versailles